Update on the Status of JSPT 1.4
Swati Goyal , 16 July, 2009
" Its the version for which every website
administrator running JomSocial dreamed
about. "
Paid profile is about to released. It will be a <span style="text-decoration: underline">alpha</span> version (means you can
start testing the features, but cannot use on live-site). We like to
share few details about its usage.
New features it provides -
<ol style="color: #333333; font-family: Tahoma, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 15.800000190734863px;"><li>Integration with AEC (0.12.6RC2p). The registration process should be
done through AEC.</li>
<li>We are still experimenting for the possibility of payment
integration with JomSocial Registration, will provide it with
subsequent releases.</li>
<li>A set of Access Control Rules for JomSocial. This will enable you
to differentiate Paid Members from others.</li>
</ol><h3 style="color: #135cae; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 15.800000190734863px;">
Once the integration is installed you will be able to setup user's
profiletype with any subscription
<div><img src="update-on-status-of-jspt-14/jspt_jomsocial_rules.jpg"/></div>
These are the rules to restrict user's ability to perform the
tasks.Currently we support only 5-6 generic rules. More will be added
as per community suggestions.This way you can provide more features to
a paid member and less features to normal members. In initial version
these rules can be applied only to all the members of ProfileType. e.g.
In below screenshot, all the member of Type1 are restricted to 3 Photos
<div><img src="update-on-status-of-jspt-14/jspt_jomsocial_rules.jpg"/></div>
Queries ?? Concerns ??