Significance of User-Search in Social Networking (Part-II)

Swati Goyal , 15 October, 2010

In our previous blog, we looked at how beneficial it is to have a Unique Search Option to find users at our Social Networking websites. JoomlaXi through their enormous efforts developed, The Best solution JoomlaXi User Search(XiUS). XiUS can search users easily through the world of infinite Information. Now let us see how it can be a valuable asset and essential component for a community based website and thus how it helps in making any Social-Networking moreUser-Friendly.
Take a brief look at some of its most advantageous and useful examples -

<ol style="color: #333333; font-family: Tahoma, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 15.800000190734863px;"><li><strong>Search Panel</strong>, provides solution of how to search, it
includes all the different ways in which you want to perform search. 
Match for applying And/Or Condition is also present. Searched users can be
arranged in ascending, descending , number of users can be decided on a
page with their Mini profile (Profile containing profile picture and some
information of users).</li>

    <li><strong>Proximity Search</strong> provides searching of users
    according to the location. For example you can search users who belongs
    to Alaska (as State) and United States (as Country) or who is living
    around 1000 Miles area of United States, You can Search user's
    according to City, State, Country and Zip code, Latitude and Longitude

    <li><strong>Range Search</strong>, helps you search data according to
    regional condition. For example, you can easily find users whose age is
    in between 18 to 25 or who are registered from particular year/date to
    particular year/date or search employees whose salary is between 18000
    to 25000.</li>

    <li><strong>Force-Search</strong> provides searching according to
    rules. For example, Admin wants that blocked users are not visible when
    site members perform search or only registered users are visible or any
    other rule, then that search rule will always be applied on any

    <li><strong>Privacy</strong>, provides a privacy functionality to the
    Joomla, JomSocial or JSPT Users with the searching information/User
    List. For example, If you want that particular group users can search
    and see only few or  the respective information</li>

    <li><strong>List</strong> <strong>Management</strong>, provides
    static search. For example, Through these list user can find other
    users , Admin want that user click on a link and get the list of users
    who are from INDIA.</li>

    <li><strong>Email</strong>, helps you send mails to searched user. For
    example you can broadcast a message to all your site user who belongs
    to any state/country and whose age is in between 18 to 25 or any kind
    of filtered users. You can easily search them and send mails to
    individual user or selected user.</li>

    <li><strong>Export</strong>, provides a exporting functionality. For
    example, you can export the searched results or print your search
    results or view them in CSV format.</li>
    Moreover, JoomlaXi User Search is  integrated with Modularity and
    Flexibility. It has Elegant and Versatile User Interface. It is
    Fully <strong/>Specialized to super fastly search users
    and perform complex queries. Rich feature-set comes with Well- built
    Documentation and Interactive Demo which enhances its


    <h3 class="legend-title" style="color: #135cae; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px;">
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