JSPC 3.0 : Beta Released
Swati Goyal , 07 June, 2011
It's been a long time you didn't get any updates about our profile
completeness product named 'JomSocial Profile Completeness' (JSPC). But
this time we come up with a good news for our customers of having JSPC
with Joomla1.6 compatibility. Yes, it's a matter of great pleasure to
announce the compatibility release of JSPC 3.0
JSPC checks the completeness of your profile from each and every
aspect. Many of our users have been thinking of switching onto
Joomla!1.6. So now , don't wait anymore, test JSPC 3.0 without any
delay and help us in making it stable as soon as possible.
Things To Remember :-
1. JSPC 3.0 beta is compatible with Joomla!1.5 and Joomla!1.6 as well.
2. It will go well with JomSocial 2.2 and later versions.
3. You can use JSPC 2.0 on your live sites if you are using Joomla!1.5
and JomSocial 2.2.xx and lower versions . Switch onto JSPC 3.0 beta to
work with latest versions of Joomla but make sure it's for testing
purpose only.
Your query or any issue or bug you come across while testing can be
answered through our <a href="http://www.joomlaxi.com/support/forum/21-jomsocial-profile-completeness.html" style="color: #1b57b1; text-decoration: none;">support forum</a>.
To know more about JSPC, take straight path to our <a href="http://www.joomlaxi.com/support/documentation/category/jom-social-profile-completeness.html" style="color: #1b57b1; text-decoration: none;">documentation
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