Email to Filtered Users : XIUS

Swati Goyal , 30 July, 2010

At JoomlaXi we are constantly implementing new ideas to add in the development process. We're proud to welcome a new innovation- XiUS Email. It is a new functionality in JoomlaXi User Search through which it is possible to send Email to selected users.

Brief Introduction of XiUS Email:
Over the last couple of weeks, we introduced several new capabilities in XiUS to fulfill searching needs and expectation. Here we come with  a new feature by which user can not only search users but can also send mail to filtered users. This mailing to users feature is named as "XiUS Email". XiUS Email is the most progressive and easy adaptive emailing functionality. By using XiUS Email, User can send mails to searched user. For example, If you want to send emails to users than you simply need to search users accordingly and you can easily send Emails to them individually in selected users as well as to whole group.

    <strong>Note:</strong> In this release, Only Admin can send the
    email to users through front-end.

    <strong>#1</strong> : This is a plugin, it will work same way as
    other XIUS plugin works (you need to create information of XIUSEmail
    type, to use this functionality)<br/><br/><strong>#2</strong> : <strong>Finding User's
    Email-id</strong> : Plugin need to get user's Email-id, it can be
    done by

<ul style="color: #333333; font-family: Tahoma, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 15.800000190734863px;"><li>First way to Create information which can tell user's Email-id. 
This information can be created by Joomla plugin.</li>

    <li>Second way for JomSocial Users, If you have profile field for
    Email-id and wants to send mail at this id than create information for
    Email-id by jsfield plugin.</li>
    <strong>#3</strong> : Once above 2 steps are done, we will get 3
    email icons at front end. These are:

<ul style="color: #333333; font-family: Tahoma, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 15.800000190734863px;"><li><span style="text-decoration: underline">Email to
Individual</span> :- There is link on Individual users' mini
profile  to send him/her email.</li>

    <li><span style="text-decoration: underline">Email to
    Selected</span> :- For this user can select one or more than one
    user(through check-box). User need to select at least one user. this
    option is shown on search result's tool-bar.</li>

    <li><span style="text-decoration: underline">Email to
    All</span> :- Through this option User can send email to all
    users, which are the result of search condition.</li>
    <strong>#4</strong> : You can send mail by any of the above
    method. Clicking on the any one of the icon, you will get a popup
    window for writing you email.

    <strong>#5</strong> : If message sent successfully, it will show
    the success message and you can verify it by your email id's sent

    Please provide your feedback on above functionality.
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