Social Discounts : The Ultimate Marketing Tool
Ankit Mathur , 19 September, 2012
"Behind Every Successful Discount, There Is A Click !"
Have you ever faced few simple questions during your lifetime?
- Do you own a website?
- Do you sale products or service on your website?
- Do you wish to make your products popular?
- Do you market them socially (Over Facebook, Twitter or Google Plus)?
The basic and most important thing which lies with a product or service is it's popularity among people. Most of the customers look for discounts when they purchase an online product. Using this mindset, you provide them certain discount on the product's purchase. This strategy increases the number of sales, but not your reach towards customers. Backoff ! Your popularity will definitely clatter some day, if you don't increase your customer reach. To sort-out this problem, you can fulfill your both tasks i.e.
- Give discount(s) to your customers, on every product's purchase
- Grab more and more customers by popularizing your product
... without castling down your product's and service's popularity.
This can be done by giving discounts to your customers only when they share your product on social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus. Doing so, will not only spread your product's existence among the millions of users on social networking websites, but also increase the probablity of your product's purchase.
- A customer purchases your product --- + Shares it on Facebook --- + Gets discount on the purchase
- Another customer views the sharing on Facebook --- + Visits your website --- + Purchases the product --- + shares it on Twitter --- + Gets discount on the purchase
- Another customer views the tweet --- + Visits your website.... and the endless tale continues...
- Number of sales increases
- Revenue increases
- Customer reach increases
- Product becomes popular
- ... and most importantly, YOU HAPPY :)
This whole scenario can be achieved by using Social Discount plugin. You just need to install it on your website and you will be able to connect yourself with more and more customers. This plugin performs in the same fashion i.e. it shows the product sharing options on social websites and in turn it applies certain discount on the product's purchase.
If you have any queries, then you can post below in comments. We would love to sort them out.
Happy PayPlanning!
See you soon again...