Recover Super Admin Status of Joomla 1.5 Administrator

Swati Goyal , 02 June, 2009

Many time due to some issue or mistakes we lost the super admin status of Joomla administrator. Here we present a "Do It Yourself Guide to Recover The Super Administrator Status"
    Below tables are important (jos_ is default prefix of table, you might
    have some other prefix)
  • jos_users
  •     <li><span>jos_core_acl_aro_groups</span></li>
        <li style="list-style: none; display: inline">
            </div><br/><div style="text-decoration: underline">
                We need to find these things :
            <ol style="color: #333333; font-family: Tahoma, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 15.800000190734863px;"><li>user id</li>
            </ol><div style="text-decoration: underline">
                <strong>Four Steps to recover</strong>
                <strong>1.</strong> Find the Joomla
                Administrator <strong>User-ID</strong> and <strong>Group-ID, </strong>from
                table jos_users
            <div><img src="recover-super-admin-status-of-joomla-15/recover-super-admin-3.jpg"/></div>
                In above snapshot UserID is 62 and GroupID is 25
                <strong>2</strong>.  Go to
                table <span>'jos_core_acl_aro_groups' and find the GrouID
                for super administrato. </span>It is 25 in above snapshot.
                This is also called GroupID for
                super-administrator. <strong>We need to set this value 25,
                into the table of step-1 , in snapshot thats already
            <div><img src="recover-super-admin-status-of-joomla-15/recover-super-admin-3.jpg"/></div>
                <strong>3.</strong> Now go to table
                "jos_<span>core_acl_aro". </span>In this table we will
                find the <strong>aro-id</strong> for our
                administrator whose user id is <strong>62</strong>. Search
                62 in <strong>value</strong> column, and get the id
                against this record. This is <strong>10</strong> as
                highlighted in below snapshot.
            <div><img src="recover-super-admin-status-of-joomla-15/recover-super-admin-3.jpg"/></div>
                <strong>4.</strong> Now go
                to <strong>'jos_core_acl_groups_aro_map"</strong> table,
                here we will search for aro-id (we find that in step-3). Then
                in that record set group-id to the value found in step-2.
            <div><img src="recover-super-admin-status-of-joomla-15/recover-super-admin-3.jpg"/></div>
                Thats all.<br/>
                Now try to log in into your Administration backend.
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