PayPlans 2.1 RC Release

Ankit Mathur , 17 July, 2012

Yes, we know that we promised you to release the stable version of PayPlans 2.1 way back from this point of time, but we are adding some more functionalities, simplifying the complexities, testing the product compatibilities and removing the buggy codings. These are the only reasons causing delay in release of PayPlans 2.1. Please, forgive us if we have stretched the stable release for long, its just because we want to give you a complete, efficient and accurate product.

Breaking the seal, we are providing you the RC* release of PayPlans 2.1. It contains almost all the features, bug fixes and functionalities which you are supposed to get with the stable release of PayPlans 2.1.

Few of the functionalities which we are providing you with PayPlans 2.1 are:

  1. Auto-Login Plugin:
    Finally, after lots of demands from your side, its our pleasure to launch this plugin which will automatically log your customers into their accounts after they pay the generated invoice. This will also free the users from the hardships of logging in after subscribing the plan.

  2. Content Hider:
    This plugin will enhance the privacy of your article contents by adding {payplans} and {/payplans} tags to the content which you want to hide. Specifically, you can hide a part or full of your article according to the plan(s) subscribed by your customers.

  3. Click and Forget:
    What if you get a product which gets installed after a single click of your's? Yes, you got it right, PayPlans 2.1 is ready to sparkle with this feature too. Just click on "Install" on the installation screen of PayPlans 2.1 and you are finished with the whole installation process in few seconds.

  4. Parent-Child Relationship (Redefined for Groups):
    If a user hasn't subscribed a certain plan, then the user won't be able to view the group in which the plan is nested. Earlier, the user could see an empty group with no plans (only in the case, if the user hasn't subscribed any of the plans of the group).

  5. Delete Dummy Entries:
    If you have enabled to delete dummy records from your PayPlans' kit, then this feature will delete all the related data (like subscriptions, invoices, transactions, modifiers, payments and others).

  6. Routing Fixes:
    From now, the SEF (Search Engine Friendly) URLs will serve you at their best, all the fixes have been made to the problems which occurred. Few issues were there which restricted the user from getting redirected to appropriate links of PayPlans.
  7. Delete Subscription ---> Delete Relations:
    What You Say Is What You Get !

    Depending on the relevancy of your demand, we enriched PayPlans 2.1 with the facility to delete all the related records (like invoices, transactions, payments, wallet details) upon deleting a subscription.

Whoa! Was about to tell you all the other exciting features which are still in the bank. Keeping them in the safe to present them as a surprise for you at the time of stable release (wink). Soon, you will be able to use the stable release of PayPlans 2.1 and we wish that no other moment will ever come which can delay such important releases.

Just for now, Ciao Folks !
Will return to you with stable release of PayPlans 2.1 as soon as possible.

Happy PayPlanning!

(RC*: Release Candidate. It means that the product which has been released or is about to release is almost the same as of the stable release of the product. It can be considered as a product with bumps of finishing touch.)

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