While moving in the direction of PayPlans 2.0, we have reached our first milestone with PayPlans 2.0 Alpha release. After a lot of hard work on PayPlans, PayPlans 2.0 Alpha with fresh, new and highly advanced concept, at the same time easy too, is now at your door. We strictly advice you not to use it at your live sites.
As we have disclosed release dates of PayPlans 2.0 in our previous blog, we apologize for two days delay in Alpha release. Some urgent issue was a hindrance in the release. Now wait for alpha release is over.
You might be thinking of a long gap between PayPlans 1.x series releases and PayPlans 2.0. Major reason is introduction of a wide range of architectural level changes but it will not be at all scary to migrate from PayPlans 1.4 to PayPlans 2.0 in future (during beta or stable release).
For this release, remember few things before installation :
- Please do a fresh installation at your test site.
- Don't try to migrate from PayPlans 1.4 to PayPlans 2.0, not even at your test site.
- You can support us in testing through this PayPlans kit and report as many bugs, issues or lacking factor you find at http://www.jpayplans.com/support
- No support can be provided for Alpha release though we do consider your bugs at highest priority.
What's the new concept in v2.0?
For front-end users, subscription process will appear same as it was earlier so no need to bother about end users. Changes are at back-end level.
From 2.0, a wallet system is introduced which will be maintained for every user. Wallet reflects the amount which has been paid ( maintained ) by the user. It's some sort of a user's balance account which is maintained locally in PayPlans.
Now the subscription flow will be :
User's order and subscription is created in the same way like earlier. Now, an invoice will be created which will show the amount user needs to pay against that order.
So when user pays an amount for an invoice he/she is not actually paying for that invoice, rather he/she is adding amount in his/her own wallet from where the amount will be deducted later to complete the invoice.
After payment is done, a transaction record will be maintained as per notifications come from payment gateway. Order will be marked complete automatically as soon as notifications for successful transaction is received and subscription will get active. If, later, refund has to be made for that payment, a separate transaction record will be maintained without overwriting the existing transaction record (it's not happened in 1.x series).
This functionality is implemented with a view in mind that in near future, it can be effectively utilised by filling up the wallet irrespective of order (invoice can be created without order and subscription) so that user can later use the wallet amount for further purchasing and in case of refund the amount will be again added to the user's wallet rather than actually refunding the amount to his payment gateway related account.
Many more new enhancements have been made depending on this concept and lot more are in progress. Give a try to PayPlans 2.0 Alpha and let us know how do you find our ideas. Your suggestions are always welcomed.
Idea behind this concept
- Till v1.4, all payment related information for an order exists in one payment record so it became very complex, results in loss of data and sometimes overwrite data. Now from 2.0, payment information is isolated into four entities : Payment, transaction, wallet and invoice to reduce all the complexities.
- Development of payment gateway app is more simpler.
- If customer is not able to pay at once, he can pay in installments. In other words, partial payments can be done.
- In cases where payment gateways don't support refunds, refund to customer is now possible by refunding in their wallets atleast.
- Third party developers can now think of any type of app to develop. Just require ideas and hundreds of different types of apps can be developed.
After knowing about 2.0, can you hold yourself without exploring it? But why to hold when PayPlans 2.0 Alpha is available free of cost. Yes, freely explore PayPlans 2.0 Alpha. (Do remember above instructions for installation)
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