New Era of PayPlans 3 begins!

Stable Release of PayPlans 3.0.3

Anjan Dhar , 14 August, 2013

Ladies and Gentlemen may I have your attention please!☺

I would like to extend the warm greetings from team Payplans and also like to take the center stage while introducing the new and shining PayPlans 3 stable. I hope, you all are equally excited to know what is in store, with not just a simple new version but a completely new series of the versioning.

Since quite a time we had been working as well as experimenting with our research results and development of the PayPlans 3.x series. An announcement for today’s stable release of PayPlans 3 was made in our Quarter 2 Roadmap blog.

What is new in PayPlans 3 Stable ?

With the advent of the completely new series, you will surely find PayPlans more:

  • Light weight on your websites.
  • Support Responsive Layout.

For detailed information view Change Logs »

In this new release, we have taken a magnifying look at the performance optimization techniques and achieved feats like:

  1. Reducing the load time & memory of PayPlans at your site

    PayPlans 2.4 load Time & Memory chart

    The above Image shows the performance chart of PayPlans 2.4 which takes a load time of 0.405 seconds and consumes a memory of 29.51 MB.



    Now: PayPlans 3.0.3 load Time & Memory chart

    Now, you can just compare both the charts which shows the statistics of PayPlans resource consumption.

  2. Lesser resource consumption

    PayPlans 2.4

    Earlier after the log migration, PayPlans 2.4 log database used to consume an enormous amount of storage space of 426.7MB, which has been trimmed down to just 7.5 MB in this release. The log content is now effectively stored at the server instead of the database. You may just have a look below.


    PayPlans 3.0.3

Own the stable Release

So, these were the major assortment of features that PayPlans will be having in this mobile responsive release of the 3 series. Moreover the above two features are made possible due to our shifting to Json format and Log Dumping techniques.

By the way this is just a beginning of a new sequence of development and PayPlans will surely be adding a lot more value to the E Commerce membership domain of the Joomla community.

Happy PayPlanning!
May Almighty bless all.

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