Bulk Discount Generator & Gift App: New features in Payplans

(Way to promote your business)

Vivek Singh , 09 July, 2014

If you’re a running a membership website, then the first thing that you want to happen is to have lots of members get join to your site.To increase member count, you need fellow marketers who place bunch of marketing strategies in front of your desk and to fulfill these you need bowl of money. But wait - we always have one perfect solution i.e. “discount” which is loved by all customers in all business.

So will this term work with your membership software “PayPlans” ?

And the answer is Yes, You can utilize this dynamic discount functionality using Prodiscount features.

Pro-Discount is a free app provided by PayPlans that helps you to apply various level of discount as per situations.

What are usp of Pro-Discount app ?

  1. Most common threat for website admin is Leakage or utilization of coupon code by unauthorized persons. So here you can also set a maximum limit after which discount code is not utilized as per maximum cap. Eg- If you have created 2 discount coupons of 50% and 40% and customer can try both of them then they will get 90% but if you set upper cap of 50% then they can only consume 50% and not 90%.

  2. Most important is our newly introduced functionality of Bulk discount Generator.

    Generating bulk Discounts is an enhanced functionality in Pro-Discount app that lets you import or generate upto 10k of discount codes.

    • Practically, it can be used to Run a promotion camp where customers from another company receive a Camping Coupon or Promo discount coupon Codes for your site.

    • Demanding solution when you participating in any workshops / events than organizers / promoters wants to sell gift cards with 100% discounts. Eg - In day to day community you can feel this in most of the events where you will get gift coupons codes.

pro discount cofiguration

Features :-

  • Create single use, limited use or unlimited use codes that expire after a certain date.
  • Create list of random and unique discount codes.
  • Give each discount set a custom prefix.
  • Can set on which plan it will be applicable.
  • Can set a specific start date or end date for coupons validity.
  • Get a csv file with all the codes generated as downloadable file.
  • Generate thousands of discount codes in few click.
  • View/delete discount sets.

Make gift giving easy with the Gift App:

Want to gift something to your loved ones ? If you are thinking of sending a gift card, chocolates, flowers, toys etc then they are pretty awesome in their own - Right ? Move over, Think something different. Best gift is really a one that will bring surprise and unexpected fun each time.

What's better than this - A Monthly Subscription box (extra-special packages filled with creative goodies.) with help of 100% discount codes.

These gifts won’t require you to ship anything right now, or wrap anything, or really even worry if it’s a last minute shopping kind of thing. Just gift a subscription to someone you love and boom " you’re done.

Lets think that you are a group owner or as a family head and you want to gift subscription to your team or family members then you can purchase additional subscription on behalf of them and then gift them.

This process would generate coupons for purchased subscriptions and send them to your registered email address. Now you get complete power to distribute these coupons codes as 100% discounted gift subscriptions.

You can gift one or bulk subscriptions only for the plan you are subscribing for.

Internally Gift app utilized pro discount plugin table to store data, so its mandatory to install Pro-Discount before using this. Gift codes will be shown in pro-discount tab at the backend.

gift app cofiguration

Future feature enhancements in Gift App :-

  1. User will able to gift different plans apart from what one is subscribing.
  2. Admin can automatically attached gifts packages during purchased on any subscription like Buy 1 Get 2 Free.

Happy gifting!

“Haha yes! That’s so true needed feature for promotion!, Would love your thoughts, please comment” !!

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